NL Central

Perhaps the most clear cut division in the game as of now.  Of course, anything can happen over 162 games but the talent built and the track record of the current players on each roster make this a fairly  easy division to predict by place (minus actual record).

Reds (92 games)

Cardinals (87 games)

Brewers (84 wins)

Pirates (82 games)

Cubs  (67 wins)



How can this team build on its 2012 performance?  It will not by record but overall performance, it will prove again that it can compete against the Nationals, Braves and Dodgers in the NL.  The starting lineup may be as good as any in the game featuring Joey Votto, Jay Bruce and Brandon Phillips.  Newly acquired Shin-Soo Choo and young stars Zack Cozart and Todd Frasier should bring solid all-around play. The Reds should have an offense capable of scoring on a nightly basis.  The starting rotation is filled with quality starters.  As the world heralds Homer Bailey for his playoff performance in 2012, I would suggest watching Mike Leake.  He is a pitcher who is a step away from really making the back of the Reds rotation a strength.  The bullpen, anchored my Aroldis Chapman offers quality arms and one of the better squads to shrink a game on the back end.  As long as health holds up at the end of September, watch for the Reds to make a big push towards the 2013 World Series.


This team is very good.  It has some weaknesses that keep it from the division crown but a solid team.  My concerns with the club lie in the unproven talent it offers on the left side on the infield and second base, the overall health concerns with Beltran in right field and if players like Allen Craig and John Jay can take steps forward in 2013.  The pitching staff should provide results that Cardinals teams are accustom to provide in both the rotation and bullpen (regardless of injuries).  As the world should watch out of Oscar Taveras by the summer time, he will not be ready to be a consistent threat until 2014.


The Brewers disappointed me last year.  They lost Prince Fielder and never fully recovered on a morale level until late in 2013.  Losing Mat Gamel at first base really hurts the squad and an acquisition may be needed unless Corey Hart can return healthy and to form.  Otherwise, this team is in a strong position to play .500+ baseball in the first half and potentially better in the second half.  Kyle Lohse may make a huge difference in the second half of the season, once he gets used to his battery mates and is in full pitching shape.


I would love to say this team has second place potential but being it has not seeing the positive side on the plus .500 winning percentage, I will take the safe prediction that it will achieve that. Andrew McCutchen proved himself to be a top talent in the game.  The questions from Bucs camp this year revolve around some young talent: Can Pedro Alvarez develop his game past just a 30 HR hitter?; Is Garret Jones really a quality player or one still on the cusp?; Starling Marte is a “star” in the making but will he be able to provide the speed and power balance necessary to upgrade the LF position for years to come starting in 2013?  In the rotation, there is a lot of talent with decent upside but when A.J. Burnett would seem to be unlikely to provide equal 20123 stats to 2012, can newly-acquired Wandy Rodriguez, Jonathan Sanchez and others regain their form and build that rotation towards success?  Time will tell.


Like the Padres, this team has a few core pieces in place but a lot of work ahead. Starlin Castro and Anthony Rizzo provide the basis of a foundation that GM Theo Epstein can use to find the necessary pieces around them of long term success.  With an average rotation and suspect bullpen, the Cubs would need some major results out of a lot of players having career years.  Consider this year an evaluation year for the Cubs as their youth mature and the bad contracts reach closer to finality. 


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